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National Respiratory Care Week 2021

National Respiratory Care Week 2021

National Respiratory Care Week provides important information regarding breathing issues.  While this week highlights the efforts to reduce disabling breathing conditions, it’s also devoted to helping raise public awareness about what can be done to reduce these debilitating lung conditions.

Why is this Week so important?

National Respiratory Care Week is important for a couple of reasons.  First and most important, it acknowledges and promotes hard-working respiratory therapists on a global scale.  Second, it provides an opportunity to generate more awareness of this outstanding profession.  Unfortunately, these healthcare specialists don’t always get the credit and kudos they deserve.  However, National Respiratory Care Week helps us focus on their importance in the care of cardiopulmonary patients.

How can You raise Awareness as a Healthcare Provider?

Raising awareness of and supporting respiratory care requires us to be advocates of the profession.  There are a few ways that you can help to raise awareness including:

  • Donate to the American Respiratory Care Foundation (ARCF), the organization that supports the education of respiratory therapists and their research.
  • Hold events in hospitals and schools that attract participants and raise awareness of respiratory care.
  • Use different social media platforms to share information regarding National Respiratory Care Week and highlight the importance of respiratory therapists.

Keep in mind that another reason for National Respiratory Care Week is to increase the interest of individuals who may want to pursue a career as a respiratory therapist or other healthcare specialist that works in the field of respiratory care.

Diagnostic Imaging and Respiratory Care

Most people ignore initial symptoms of respiratory diseases. If you’re having respiratory issues or trouble breathing, it is essential that you should consult a doctor immediately. Your doctor will have you undergo some tests in order to determine the cause.  In addition, he may recommend certain imaging tests such as a:

  • Chest ultrasound – uses sound waves to make images of the lungs and check for fluid build-up
  • Chest X-ray – used to find problems in the lungs such as cancer, fluid build-up, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, etc.
  • CT (computerized tomography) or PET (positron emission tomography) scans – advanced imaging tests used to find problems that X-rays often miss until they are further along.
  • Pulmonary angiogram – a type of CT scan that is used to spot problems in the pulmonary arteries, such as clotting and embolisms.

For more information regarding any of the above, call Vital Imaging at 305-596-9992. Our customer care representatives would be glad to be of assistance. Call now!