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National Blood Donor Month

National Blood Donor Month

In addition to the start of the New Year, January is National Blood Donor Month, the observation of which was inspired by the American Red Cross that began in January, 1970 under former President Richard M. Nixon.  If you’re wondering why the month of January, it’s because blood and platelet donations decline while the demand increases. ...

National Glaucoma Awareness

National Glaucoma Awareness

For those of you that have been blessed with healthy eyesight, visiting the eye doctor and having a tonometry test performed may not be high on your list of priorities.  But for those of you who wear contacts or corrective lenses, your optometrist has performed this test every time you visited them for your annual...

Cervical Health Awareness Month

Cervical Health Awareness Month

Due to the fact that nearly 13,000 American women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year, the U.S. Congress has designated the month of January as Cervical Health Awareness Month.  The hope was that it would raise awareness of the disease as well as the significant role that diagnostic screenings can play in a woman’s...

Thyroid Awareness

Thyroid Awareness

With the New Year here, many of us are still thinking about resolutions and how to overcome certain obstacles in our lives.  Others will most likely try to focus on bettering their health.  In any event, most of us are unaware that January is Thyroid Awareness month.  During this time, we want to remind individuals with...

Cause and Treatment of Brain Tumors

Cause and Treatment of Brain Tumors

Physicians employ a number of tests for the diagnosis of brain tumors and to learn what type it is.  Furthermore, they will use different tests to determine if it has spread to other areas of the body.  Plus, they will do tests that help them determine the best course of treatment.  In most cases, the...

National Influenza Vaccination Week

National Influenza Vaccination Week

It’s National Influenza Vaccination Week! Influenza infections result in increases in healthcare costs and productivity loss every year. On a global scale, estimates show that there are between 3 and 5 million severe cases of the flu and up to half a million deaths annually.  Furthermore, studies have also shown that anywhere from 5% to...


National Handwashing Awareness Week

As National Handwashing Awareness Week comes to an end we wanted to highlight the importance of this habit.  Not only is this a good starting point for becoming more hygienic, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s an excellent habit to develop and maintain permanently.  Furthermore, it is one of the most effective ways to...

What is Diabetes and How Can it be Treated?

What is Diabetes and How Can it be Treated?

According to the CDC, Diabetes is “a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy.”  It also refers to a variety of conditions/diseases involving high blood sugar (glucose).  The most common types of diabetes include: Type 2 diabetes – a chronic condition affecting the way in which your body processes...

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD, as it is more commonly referred to, is a chronic digestive disease that occurs when bile or stomach acids flow up into the esophagus (food pipe) and irritate its lining.  Individuals who suffer with heartburn and acid reflux more than a couple of times per week may be diagnosed with GERD.  The...

What Is Alzheimer’s Disease and Can It Be Prevented?

What Is Alzheimer’s Disease and Can It Be Prevented?

Alzheimer’s is an irreversible brain disorder that progressively worsens over time.  In the course of the disease, the brain’s neurons stop functioning, lose their connections to other neurons, and eventually degenerate and die.  Over time, this eventually destroys the patient’s memory and other critical mental functions.  The main symptoms include confusion and memory loss.  Although...

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