The PET-CT scan is an advanced imaging study used by physicians when evaluating patients who may or may not have cancer. This technology can help determine the best course of therapy for your condition by characterizing biochemical changes within the cells of your body. It allows them to effectively diagnose and evaluate cancer and whether it has spread to other areas of the body.
What to Expect
The procedure begins with a simple blood sugar test on all patients. After this an IV will be started and the FDG will be administered. FDG is a radioactive tracer that mimics glucose (sugar) metabolism once injected intravenously into the patient. The FDG is metabolized by the tissue and trapped in the cells. The FDG emits photons that are detected by the scanner. The computer then reconstructs the data from the scanner into a three-dimensional image. The patient will then have a waiting period of 45 minutes to 1 hour to allow for the tracer to be taken up by the tissue. The patient will then be taken into the scanner and imaging will last for 30- 45 minutes. You should plan on being at the facility for about 2 to 3 hours. You will be able to resume normal activities after the exam.
The preparation for the test will vary depending on the reason for the PET scan. For most exams, you should not eat for four hours prior to your appointment time. One of our representatives will call you to provide specific instructions to prepare for the exam at least 1 day prior to your appointment.
Please inform our staff if you are diabetic. Patients who are diabetic will be given special instructions prior to the test to ensure an acceptable blood sugar level. Blood sugar control is essential for an adequate diagnostic test. If you are unable to make your appointment, please provide us with at least 24-hour notice to cancel. The injection you will receive is ordered specifically for you and cannot be re-used.
Exams Performed
- PET-CT Whole Body Scan
- PET-CT Brain Scan